Open Burning in Simsbury – What You Need To Know

The Simsbury Fire Department will issue an Open Burn Permit to residents. The permit is available by clicking on this link: BURN PERMIT . Please note the Type of Open Burn and General Conditions as noted on the Open Burn Permit.
Type of Open Burn
Camp fires shall be fireplace size logs three inches in diameter or larger. There shall be NO burning of brush or leaves.
Camp Fire / Bon Fire (Public Gathering)
Agriculture Burning
Firefighter Training
General Conditions
- Burning must not take place (a) during an advisory of threatening atmospheric conditions or any other air pollution emergency episode or (b) during a period when the forest fire danger is high or extreme.
- Burning must cease if so directed by the local Open Burning Official or Simsbury Volunteer Fire Company or State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.
- No objectionable odors or excessive smoke may be created. All reasonable measures to assure complete combustion are to be taken.
- All reasonable safety precautions are to be taken, including the clearing of grass and trees in the burning areas wetting down of the surrounding area, and placing of fire extinguishers.
- Only these materials and those quantities specified above may be burned.
- IMPORTANT – Only dispose of ashes in a closed metal container. Ashes can remain hot for many days after your fire. Do not dispose of in trash cans until the ash is cold to touch.