Open Burn Ban

UPDATE: Effective 11/25/24 the open burning ban has been lifted for Simsbury. Please see the Fire Marshal’s page for the current open burning regulations and permit process.
Effective immediately, the Town of Simsbury and the Simsbury Fire District have issued a temporary ban on ALL outdoor burning in Simsbury. This includes all Businesses Town Parks and residential properties.
This ban includes, but is not limited to campfires, fire pits, charcoal grilling, and yard debris. This state of Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) has also banned these activities in state parks and other lands they oversee.
The forest fire danger remains VERY HIGH.
NO BURNING shall take place if the Connecticut DEEP fire danger remains HIGH, VERY HIGH, or EXTREME.
This order is issued by Fire Marshal and Open Burning Official Patrick Tourville. Any questions please call 860.658.1973.