PURPOSE: To bestow a cash grant to a deserving individual who is furthering their education.
Applicants must volunteer in some capacity within their 4-year high school experience or thereafter if the applicant has already graduated from high school. The volunteer experience need not be with the Simsbury Volunteer Fire Company.
Preference will be given to:
Member of the Simsbury Volunteer Fire Company or SVFC Auxiliary.
Immediate relative (parent, guardian, spouse, child or grandchild) of a SVFC or SVFC Auxiliary member.
If applicant does not have a connection to the Simsbury Volunteer Fire Company, they may qualify by entering into an EMS/Fire/Police related field.
The recipient must be accepted into an accredited program. The scholarship grant will be sent directly to the recipients’ college upon notification of their admission.
The scholarship will be in the amount of $1,000 and is not based on financial need.
All applicants who have not previously received the scholarship award will be considered.
Applicants must submit their completed application form by:
Friday, May 30, 2025
Please mark: Attention: Scholarship Committee
This applicant needs to not only be an upstanding citizen of our community, but also truly represent what it means to be a volunteer. A Volunteer in the truest sense means to offer oneself or ones services for some undertaking or purpose; a person who performs a service willingly and without pay. This scholarship will be awarded to the applicant that possesses all of these attributes and can thus depict the heartfelt devotion our members Lucy Bowman and Marion Kerr have made to the Simsbury Volunteer Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary during their many years of service.