Last update: April 19, 2023
Following the successful Budget Workshop which was held on March 2, 2023 and additional considerations regarding potential impacts of the recent PURA decision on Aquarion water rates, expected health insurance costs, inflationary factors and the need to step up funding for future apparatus replacements, the Simsbury Fire District is pleased to present a final draft of this proposed budget.
The Fire District continues to operate with the overriding principle of paying for products and services without resorting to borrowing. This philosophy continues to save the tax payers of Simsbury each year as there are no payments to debt service as the Fire District has no outstanding debt.
The operating budget, including funding for future capital projects, will increase 5.9% versus our current budget. Based on the town’s property revaluation and subsequent grand list value the Fire District is proposing to reduce the Fire District Tax Mill Rate from its current 1.22 to 1.00 which is a reduction of 18%.
This proposed budget approved by the Fire District now moves forward to its formal presentation and vote by the tax payers at the annual budget meeting which will be held on May 8, 2023 at 7:00 PM at the Fire District Offices, 871 Hopmeadow St, Simsbury, CT
Continuing the Fire District’s commitment of maintaining an open process, we encourage any member of the public who has a question or would like further information to please contact the Fire District’s Director of Administration, James Baldis or Fire District President, Gary Wilcox at the Fire District Office at 860-658-1971.