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Building Permit Application Fees
Notice for all commercial and multi-family building permit applications: Effective Oct 1, 2023 there will be a Simsbury Fire District building permit fee of $5.00 per $1,000.00 of construction cost collected at the time a building permit is applied for…

Change your clocks. Check your smoke alarms!
The Simsbury Vol. Fire Company says daylight savings time on Sunday is a good time to change batteries in smoke alarms and CO detectors. The National Fire Prevention Association recommends switching batteries twice a year and replacing smoke detectors every…

Community Safety Bulletin – Planning For Cold weather
To keep yourself safe from the upcoming extremely low temperatures please read the tips in the safety bulletin below. Please be safe! Download PDF

Open Burning in Simsbury – What You Need To Know
The Simsbury Fire Department will issue an Open Burn Permit to residents.

Put a Freeze on Winter Holiday Fires
Traditionally, the winter holidays are a time for families and friends to get together. It’s fun to decorate for the winter holidays and cook special meals, but holiday decorations and cooking can increase your risk for a home fire. As…

The Bowman-Kerr Auxiliary Scholarship
This applicant needs to not only be an upstanding citizen of our community, but also truly represent what it means to be a volunteer. A Volunteer in the truest sense means to offer oneself or ones services for some undertaking…